Teaching / Learning Procedures

Our aim for your child in Parigyan:

Reading and Language

  • Develop oral language competency.
  • Speak in complete sentences.
  • Express ideas clearly.
  • Retell happenings in order.
  • Be able to give name, name of street and phone number.
  • Increase speaking vocabulary.
  • Enhance listening skills.
  • Follow directions in sequence.
  • Recognize rhyming words.
  • Enjoy stories and poems.
  • Listen to peers in conversation.
  • Develop pre-reading and reading skills.
  • Recognize left and right and top to bottom progression.
  • Practice letter recognition.
  • Work with opposites.
  • Recognize their name.
  • Develop writing skills.
  • Hold pencil correctly.
  • Form letters correctly.
  • Write first name.
  • Recognizing and writing letters A – Z


  • Recognize and understand the meaning of the numerals.
  • Identify everyday uses for numbers.
  • Practice counting.
  • Participate in problem solving through materials and experience.
  • Learn geometric shapes.
  • Gain knowledge of time including number of months, names of months and days of week.
  • Science

  • Be provided with opportunities to gain answers to questions through experimentation, research and problem solving.
  • Be provided with a variety of experiences which stimulates the child’s curiosity.
  • Be exposed to the following units: colours, feelings, food, animal life, sea life, plant life, weather, five senses, road safety, fire safety and healthy living habits.
  • Social Sciences

  • Participate in activities involving the following units: home and family, community helpers, celebrating religious and national festivals, teaching topics like transportation, communication, and current events.
  • Be taken on a variety of field trips relating to units. Potential field trips: supermarkets, local vegetable market, park, places of worships, railway museum etc.
  • Physical Education

  • Be involved in free and organized play.
  • Be involved in indoor and outdoor play.
  • Games that involve large and small motor skills.
  • Rhythmic activities.
  • Creative dramatics.
  • Physical movement with stationary and moveable equipments.
  • Manipulative activities, puzzles etc.
  • Construction activities: blocks, boxes and legos.
  • Art

  • Painting
  • Play dough modelling
  • Drawing
  • Gluing
  • Cutting
  • Music

  • Singing
  • Listening
  • Learn to enjoy music.
  • Story time and group activities.
  • Have opportunities to use puppets, costumes and other props to identify people, time and places of the real world.