Nursery ( 2.5 to 3.5 years, 9-30AM - 1 PM )

This is an exciting time for the young learners who are changing physically, cognitively, socially and emotionally. The focus of the preschool program is to give children the opportunity to learn through play in an experimental, loving and caring environment. Days are filled with busy explorations, investigations, and discoveries. Children express themselves through art, music and movements. They develop motor skills and coordination while running, jumping, hopping, skipping, throwing, catching etc in the given free time.

During the early years, Parigyan provides an environment where children can learn actively. Blocks, clay, sand and manipulative materials are used extensively. Hands-on experiences and interaction with adults and peers provide the foundation for reading, writing, Phonics, Numeracy and General Awareness. Language development is nurtured in a stimulating environment rich with conversations, storytelling, poetry, songs and chants.

Our unique method of teaching:

  • We teach with the help of worksheets and activity sheets.
  • We teach ‘letters & numbers’ recognition through games and everyday activities, not through rote memorization.
  • We allow child to learn at his/her pace through ‘discovery and learning’ method.
  • We include a variety of activities in re-math, General Awareness, Games, Language, Art, Rhymes & Songs, Fine-motor & Finger plays.
  • We focus on skills in areas like physical, social, emotional, personal,  communication and thinking.
  • We give children choices but teach them that a classroom rule is not the same as a choice. For example – child may choose the colour or crayons that he/she wants when doing a creative art project, but he/she may not choose whether or not to put blocks away after playing with them – cleaning up is a classroom rule

The goal of Parigyan is to provide quality education in a vibrant learning environment which nurtures enquiring minds and maximizes the pupil’s attention to develop into a caring, responsible and useful member of our society.

We are a preschool who believe that children enjoy learning through play, hands-on activities and through interactions with others with no necessity for memorization or by force.

It is our pleasure to welcome you to an exciting new school year. Our team is waiting to get on with action packed programs for your children.

Some of the important and wonderful years of the child will be spent at the Nursery and Kindergarten. The early years are a critical period in the development of every child. In this context a couple of points that needs to be highlighted from our side to you as a parent are given below:

Our aim is to:

  • Provide a nurturing environment for each child who comes under the wings of Parigyan
  • Provide as many learning opportunities as possible
  • Provide a developmental and age appropriate curriculum for the young child
  • Provide programs to identify and challenge exceptional learners at all levels of learning
  • Provide the basic readiness skills for successful entry into the next level of schooling


Monday to Friday 
First bell at 9.20 am
Second bell at 9.30 am
Dismissal for the little learners at 1pm from July till April.

It is very important that you cultivate in your child the habit of reporting to the class in time at this early stage itself. As he / she grow, the habit of being within the school premises in time grows automatically and will fit into the strict discipline of the school.

Dress code:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – School uniform
Wednesday – Your choice.

We supply the uniforms for every child. Children are expected to come in neat and clean uniform.